American Lives Matter

American Lives Matter

t’s quite simple, so don’t over think it: Our flag stands for the United States Of America. It does not represent Republicans. It’s not a Democrat. It is not about black lives, white lives, blue lives.

Thoughts on Kavanaugh

Thoughts on Kavanaugh

This is understandable in that if I was Senator Durbin, or any other member of the aforementioned corrupted caucus, I would be looking for an analgesic to mitigate the remorseless, unflinching responsibility for the atrocity of yesterday’s attempted public slaughter of a good man.

New York Times Rebuttal

New York Times Rebuttal

I JUST WROTE THIS TO THE NEW YORK TIMES: My fellow citizens…. This is nothing short of being the 1st communique from an anonymous junta inside the Trump Administration who has decided that We the People have chosen our President poorly, and he must be...