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Want to know when Jon-David Wells is in your town?  Join us to keep up with the show, the man and the current events of the day.  The Wells Report Blog will keep you updated on JD’s events, press releases and blogs. 

American Lives Matter

t’s quite simple, so don’t over think it: Our flag stands for the United States Of America. It does not represent Republicans. It’s not a Democrat. It is not about black lives, white lives, blue lives.

TWR Blog

Placeholder until My blogs are ported over.

Thoughts on Kavanaugh

This is understandable in that if I was Senator Durbin, or any other member of the aforementioned corrupted caucus, I would be looking for an analgesic to mitigate the remorseless, unflinching responsibility for the atrocity of yesterday’s attempted public slaughter of a good man.

White Settlement Church Shooting

White Settlement Church Shooting

Our places of healing are filled with those who give aid and comfort to those afflicted or injured. We choose to leave them defenseless in favor of focused curative arts.

The August 2019 Shootings

The August 2019 Shootings

  As is the case on interactive Social Media Websites associated with The Wells Report, Thinking Americans gather to discuss the great issues of the day. NOTE: I didn't say Thinking CONSERVATIVE Americans, or Thinking LIBERAL Americans. We ALL gather here. To...

Get in Touch with Jon-David!

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