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Want to know when Jon-David Wells is in your town?  Join us to keep up with the show, the man and the current events of the day.  The Wells Report Blog will keep you updated on JD’s events, press releases and blogs. 


According to the latest statistics from the CDC, there a TOTAL of 1629 Cases of COVID-19 in the United States. Of those cases, 46 of us have succumbed to it.  46.* Of these 1629 cases....1362 ARE UNDER INVESTIGATION.  In other words, in a country of 327-Million...

White Settlement Church Shooting

Our places of healing are filled with those who give aid and comfort to those afflicted or injured. We choose to leave them defenseless in favor of focused curative arts.

The August 2019 Shootings

  As is the case on interactive Social Media Websites associated with The Wells Report, Thinking Americans gather to discuss the great issues of the day. NOTE: I didn't say Thinking CONSERVATIVE Americans, or Thinking LIBERAL Americans. We ALL gather here. To...

A Thanksgiving On Mission

A Thanksgiving On Mission

A Thanksgiving On Mission By SFC John Wells, TXSG SOMEWHEREVILLE, TX -- It's a process.... One you're not aware that you're taking part in.. Until you do.  You get your orders.. Gather your equipment.. Don your uniform.. Double-check that you have prepared your family...

The Wells Report on Hiatus

The Wells Report on Hiatus

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Wells Report on Hiatus November 5, 2021- Fort Worth, Texas – Jon-David Wells, host of The Wells Report, now picks up his Texas State Guard uniform and his combat boots and becomes First Sergeant John D. Wells of the Texas State Guard.  ...

Get in Touch with Jon-David!

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